วันอังคารที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

America's Next Top Model Cycle 5

Ashley Black - 13th
Ebony Taylor - 12th
Cassandra Whitehead - 11th(Quit)
Sarah Rhoades - 10th
Diane Hernandez - 9th
Coryn Woitel - 8th
Kyle Cavanagh - 7th
Lisa D"Amato - 6th
Kimberly "Kim" Stolz - 5th
Jayla Rubinelli - 4th
Brittany "Bre" Scullark - 3rd
Erika "Nik" Pace - Runner-Up
Nicole Linkletter - Winner
Nicole- Long brown curly Hair
Nik- Afro style and Dyed Blonde
Bre- Straightened
Jayla- Long Black Hair Extensions,Later Cut Shorter
Kim- Dyed red
Lisa- cut short and Dyed honey blonde
Kyle- Dyed chocolate brown
Coryn- Dyed blonde
Dianne- Dyed Wheat Color
Sarah- short hair cut
Cassandra- Mia Farrow inspired Cut Shorter and Dyed Blonde
Ebony- Long Braids Hair

